Monday 23 February 2009

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

Previously... we do plant Tomato.. This picture taken in last year... and at the moment (2009), there is no tomato in the farm. But very soon, may be we will restart again... to make our farm morebeautiful with various plants, vegetables and fruits. Because that is the main commercial products initially signing up the agreement with the Primary Resources Agriculture in Brunei.

The scientific name of the tomato is very comnplicated... and got many different name due to species. Solanum lycopersicum, syn. Lycopersicon lycopersicum & Lycopersicon esculentum.

Monday 16 February 2009

Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf - Lemon Grass

Yesterday... i had chances to take my mom's worker while he is cutting this plant... In local term in Brunei, we call it as 'Serai' ... I try to look up in the net... to find up more information about this. The scientific name is Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf ... belongs to the family call GRAMINEAE=POACEAE...
In Indonesia known as 'Sereh' ... In tagalog: 'Tanglad' and In Thailand call : Takh Rai... The reference taken from : In local Brunei, it is widely used.. for cooking... Serai Stem and leaves are used for cooking. Chop fine and pound to release flavour for stir fry, fish or seafood soups.

To aid in digestion as well as relieves spasms, muscle cramps, rheumatism and headaches.

Sunday 15 February 2009

Ayam Kampung

My uncle rear a lots of 'Ayam Kampung'... what is it in English??? Village Chicken? Sound Weird a bit.. may be later reader will interprete Village Chicken as 'prostitute'... hhmmm.... We do not sell the ayam kampung but we sell the eggs... It is very fresh when we take to the market to sell... We do not keep the eggs for more than 2 days... That why... whenever the eggs bring to the market to sell... it is always finished... Don't know why.. most of the customer is Indonesia... and chinese...

I ever asked and interviewed few indonesian customers... they said.. they eat it fresh (without boil) because it can increase their stamina, increase energy, reduce tiredness and make them physically strong... Some Indonesians mix the egg with honey also... May be they want to make the Jamu (traditional made) STMJ : Susu (milk), Telor (egg), Madu(honey), Jahe (halia- Ginger)... it is a kind of Jamu popular in among the Javanese in Indonesia. To the readers out there, wanna try??? Just go ahead ...

Wew... why i am talking about Jamu? I am not advertising jamu.. I actually should advertisement the my uncle eggs.... But bear in mind... if someone wants to book the eggs... please book as early as possible...

Tuesday 10 February 2009

What else do we have in our farm??

Besides vegetables and fruits, we do rear chicken... duck... goose...
We sell the ayam karan ... 'electric chicken'? Sound weird ya.. through direct translation. Don't know what it is call in real scientific name... Just now, i come to know in Indonesia that... ayam karan is call 'ayam sayur' in Cirebon.
We sell the chicken to our regular chinese customer... This chicken eat corn and been take good care by one of our workers.. pak Panjang...because they also give the chicken to drink milk and glucose.. reason is to prevent the chicken weak and make them healthy... This chicken is free from any injection... that why the price is bit expensive compare to the general market price chicken...

Oh ya... forget to introduce... the man in the pictures is my worker called 'Pak Panjang'.. Why Panjang? Look at his body.. thin and tall... Panjang kan???
He is one of the workers in charge of the chicken..

Sawi Manis

Hmmm.... Sawi manis (Chai Sim)... got several species.. in this picture, it is called 'Sawi Manis Bunga'... other species available known as 'Sawi Siew Chen' and "Sawi Manis Hongkong" but I don't have the pictures yet... This name is not make by me or the Chinese community since it is chinese name... Then.. why Hongkong? Me also don't know. If my mom customer know how to differentiate the species... many will buy Sawi Siew chen and also Hongkong Chai Sim. For me personally, I prefer to eat Hong Kong Chai Sim... because of its taste and smoothness...

This is our farm jackfruit.. this consider small because sometimes it really big and it can reach its weight until 15kg

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