Sunday 12 December 2010

Durian Belanda

Kali ini, saya akan memaparkan buah yang ajaib ini di dalam blog saya. Selama ini, saya langsung tidak endah ataupun peduli khasiat ini sehingga di terjual di pasaran. Pelanggan di Pasar sering mencari Buah ini dan kata mereka adalah Ubat Kanker... Setelah saya tahu khasiat nya, kebanyakan buah ini tidak lagi di jual secara Komersial kerana saya sendiri yang akan makan. Heheheehe.. Tetapi jika pokok nya berbuah banyak, kami juga akan menjual di pasar.

Mari kita selidiki lebih banyak tentang Buah ini...

Durian Belanda atau Soursop, buah dari pohon Graviola adalah pembunuh semulajadi sel kanser yang ajaib dengan 10 ribu kali lebih kuat dari pada terapi kemo. Tapi kenapa kita tidak tahu?

Sunday 3 October 2010

Long Bean

Long, thin and green, best describes the Long Bean (Vigna Sesquipedalis) which is also known as Asparagus Bean, Chinese Long Bean, Garter Bean, Snake Bean (not the Snake Gourd), Yardlong Bean and also as Kacang Panjang in Malaysia and as Payathangai or Karamani in Tamil. This is from the legume family and it is a tropical plant grown in Southeastern Asia, Thailand, Southern China and also Malaysia. Long Bean is not a seasonal plant and therefore can be found year round. Apart from the green (which is common) there are other varieties such the pale green, short green(something like the French beans) and also somewhat in red. I have been only planting the slender darker green. Last week one of my friends gave me the seeds for the red variety, so will be planting this in the next season.

Like any other tropical plant, the Long Bean prefers high temperature and well drained soil. However this plant tolerates heat, low rainfall and arid soils. This is a climbing annual therefore requires trellis for support. I do not use any fancy trellis, mine is just few branches from the tree that grows at the nearby bushes near my home. This plant can grow as tall about 9 to 12 feet and it can climb all by itself, however with a little help from us, it does not get messy and tangled and this also ensures the fruits are visible and have more space for growth. The flowers are a little yellowish and some are violet blue. Bees and ants love the flower so you can see them busy with frequent visit to this plant.

Thursday 29 July 2010

Pengenalan Buah-Buahan Tempatan (2)

Asam Aur Aur (Garcinia parvifolia)

** Pokok boleh mencapai 10 m tinggi dan mempunyai kanopi yang padat.
** Hujung daun kecil berbentuk akuminat manakala pangkal daun berbentuk kuneat, berwarna 
     hijau tua, berkilat dan tepi daun sedikit beralun.
** Bunganya kecil berwarna merah
** Buah kecil berbentuk bulat, berwarna hijau semasa muda dan bertukar menjadi merah cerah
     atau merah keungguan apabila matang.
** Isi berwarna putih
** Rasanya masam masam manis dan berjus.
** Isinya boleh di makan segar dan dibuat jem manakala kulit buah yang matang boleh dijadikan asam untuk masakan setelah dikeringkan.

Semua Gambar dan rujukan di ambil dari:
Buku Panduan Buah-Buahan Brunei. Diterbitkan oleh: Jabatan Pertanian, Kementerian Perindustrian dan Sumber-sumber Utama ; Negara Brunei Darussalam.

Thursday 15 July 2010

Pengenalan Buah-buahan Negara Brunei Darussalam (1)

Yesterday, my brother attended the invitation by the Agriculture Department and took back few souvenirs including poskad with variety of traditional fruits of Brunei which some I just first seen but all is in Malay Language. All the information and pictures below is not belongs to Syarikat Ladang Juang but belongs to the Brunei  Department of Agriculture.
The aim of publish this post is to let other what is the origin fruits of Brunei Darussalam. All the description is purely in Brunei Malay Language which I got from the postcard.

Kembayau (Canarium Odontophyllum)

Pokok didapati tumbuh di kawasan yang terlindung sedikit. Buah yang biasanya berbentuk bujur berwarna putih kemudian bertukar merah dan akhirnya hitam apabila matang. Isi ada yang berwarna putih pudar dan ada yang berwarna kuning.

Bijinya keras berbentuk bujur bersegi-segi dan tajam di kedua-dua hujung.


2. Pengalaban (Litsea garciae )

Tanaman yang mengeluarkan buah di dahan-dahan pokok. Buah berbentuk bulat, berwarna kirim hijau kilat dan bertukar merah jambu apabila masak. Isinya bertektur halus serta mempunyai rasa yang lemak.

Saturday 10 July 2010

Langsat " Lansium domesticum"


Lansium duranum was originally native to the Malaysian peninsula and known locally as Langsat.

Agriculturally, the tree is grown throughout the entire Southeast asian region, ranging from Southern India to the Philippines for its fruit. In the Philippines, where it is locally referred to as the lanzones or langsa, the plant is grown mostly on the southern parts of the island of Luzon, especially in Paete, Laguna, due to the species' narrow range of conditions favorable to its survival. It is also found in abundance on Northern Mindanao particularly in places as Butuan, Cagayan de Oro, and Camiguin. The Camiguin variety is especially sweet and succulent.

In Indonesia, Langsat is very popular fruit in West Kalimantan (Pontianak, Indonesia) and South Sumatra (also called 'Duku'). In Sarawak, northern Borneo, the name Duku is reserved for the larger-sized varieties of Langsat, near the size of golf balls, claimed sweeter and with less sap in the peel. A variety called Dokong exported to mainland Malaysia from Thailand grows tighter in the clusters, giving it a faceted shape, and is preferred by many over the standard Langsat.

Within mainland Asia, the tree is cultivated in Thailand (Thai: ลางสาด, langsat), Cambodia, Vietnam and India, as well as its native Malaysia. Outside the region, it has also been successfully transplanted and introduced to Hawaii and Surinam. It grows well in the wetter areas (120 inches/3 meters or more annual rainfall) of Costa Rica, where it is still very rare, having been introduced decades ago by the United Fruit Company. A major hindrance to its acceptance seems to be that it is very slow in bearing, said to take 12 years from seed. However, air layering from mature trees, as well as grafting, are said to work well and produce much faster.


Fruits are ovoid, roundish orbs around five centimeters in diameter, usually found in clusters of two to thirty fruits along the branches and trunk. Each round fruit is covered by yellowish, thick, leathery skin. Underneath the skin, the fruit is divided into five or six slices of translucent, juicy flesh. The flesh is slightly acidic in taste, although ripe specimens are sweeter. Green seeds are present in around half of the segments, usually taking up a small portion of the segment although some seeds take up the entire segment's volume. In contrast with the sweet-sour flavor of the fruit's flesh, the seeds are extremely bitter. The fruit taste has been compared to a combination grape and "perfect" grapefruit with no bitterness. Yet the seeds if bitten have the bitterness of a grapefruit yet stronger. The sweet juicy flesh contains sucrose, fructose, and glucose.

Saturday 22 May 2010


WOW!!!!!!! Harvest time again!!!!! This time we harvest cucumber... I guess almost everyone knows what cucumber is.... This is brief introduction of it...

The cucumber is a creeping vine that roots in the ground and grows up trellises or other supporting frames, wrapping around ribbing with thin, spiraling tendrils. The plant has large leaves that form a canopy over the fruit.

The fruit is roughly cylindrical, elongated, with tapered ends, and may be as large as 60 cm long and 10 cm in diameter. Cucumbers grown to be eaten fresh (called slicers) and those intended for pickling (called picklers) are similar. Cucumbers are mainly eaten in the unripe green form. The ripe yellow form normally becomes too bitter and sour. Cucumbers are usually over 90% water.

Although we harvest many cucumber but at the moment, the market price is quite cheap... only 40 cent per Kg.. usually it is not like that. The reason for such a cheap price is due to "flooding of cucumber" in the market... and competitive is very very high.

Below are the packing of the cucumber before send to the market. It is separate into Type A; Type B... Type A category is belongs to those with its appearance straight, elongated and look beautiful and smaller in size... while Type B .. can be varies with size and sometimes appear bigger.

Now looks at the health benefit of cucumber to human body:
**Cucumber is best natural diuretic known, secreting and promoting the flow of urine.
**Helps in kidney and urinary bladder disease.
**Liver disease
**Pancreatic disease
**The potassium content of cucumber makes it highly useful for conditions of high
and low blood pressure.
**Cucumber contains erepsin, the enzyme that helps to digest protein.
**The high silicon and sulphur content of the cucumber is said to promote the
growth of hair, especially when the juice of the cucumber is added to the juice of
carrot, lettuce and spinach.
**A mixture of cucumber juice with carrot juice is said to be beneficial for rheumatic
conditions resulting from excessive uric acid in the body.
**Cucumber juice is also valuable for helping diseases of the teeth, gums, especially
in cases of pyorrhea.
**The high mineral content of this vegetable also helps to prevent splitting of nails of
the fingers and toes.
**Cucumber, radish and bitter gourd are beneficial in diabetes.

Saturday 8 May 2010


I am surfing throughout the net looking for this fruit name. In Brunei, it is called "CIREMAI" .. Don't deceive by its outlook... looks delirious like grapes. But this fruit is sour. I had been surfing throughout the net, it had so many names...

In Indonesia: it is known as:
Careme, cerme (Sunda), cerme (Jawa). careme (Madura); Ceremoi (Aceh), cerme, ceramai, camin-camin (Sumatera).; Carmen, cermen (Bali), sarume (Bima). lumpias aoyok, tili; Lombituko bolaano, caramele, carameng (Sulawesi),; Ceremin (Ternate), selemele, selumelek (Roti).; Salmele, cermele (Timor).

Friday 23 April 2010

Benefit of Dragon fruit

To all the internet viewer and followers, I apologised for not updating my blog for a long time. Now, I am returned... When I back from Singapore, I am happy to see my uncle dragon fruits bear lots of fruits..

Hylocereus it has red skin and white flesh.
Hylocereus polyrhizus it has red skin and red flesh.
Selinecereus megalanthus it has yellow skin and
white flesh.

Yellow skin dragon fruit is not available in our farm...

Health Benefits:

**Dragon fruit help to lower blood glucose levels in type 2 **diabetes. Dragon fruit prevent formation of cancer causing free **radicals.
**Dragon fruit helps moisturize and smoothen skin and decrease bad **cholesterol level.
**Dragon fruit helps improve appetite.
**Dragon fruit can enhance the body metabolism because of its
protein content.
**Dragon fruit helps improve digestion and reduce fat.
**Dragon fruit helps maintain the health of the eyes.
**Dragon fruit helps strengthen the bones and teeth.
**Dragon fruit helps in tissue development.
**Dragon fruit promotes healing of cuts and bruise.
**Dragon fruit helps improve memory.


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