Yesterday, my brother attended the invitation by the Agriculture Department and took back few souvenirs including poskad with variety of traditional fruits of Brunei which some I just first seen but all is in Malay Language. All the information and pictures below is not belongs to Syarikat Ladang Juang but belongs to the Brunei Department of Agriculture.
The aim of publish this post is to let other what is the origin fruits of Brunei Darussalam. All the description is purely in Brunei Malay Language which I got from the postcard.
Kembayau (Canarium Odontophyllum)

Pokok didapati tumbuh di kawasan yang terlindung sedikit. Buah yang biasanya berbentuk bujur berwarna putih kemudian bertukar merah dan akhirnya hitam apabila matang. Isi ada yang berwarna putih pudar dan ada yang berwarna kuning.
Bijinya keras berbentuk bujur bersegi-segi dan tajam di kedua-dua hujung.
2. Pengalaban (Litsea garciae )
Tanaman yang mengeluarkan buah di dahan-dahan pokok. Buah berbentuk bulat, berwarna kirim hijau kilat dan bertukar merah jambu apabila masak. Isinya bertektur halus serta mempunyai rasa yang lemak.
nice blog...could I please add your photo of pengalaban to my blog? I will site my source...
hi birdseyez.. you can add the photo to your blog... Thanks for visiting my blog........